
There is an unprecedented transition happening in Canadian agriculture. 92% of farmers who are looking to downsize or retire don’t have successors (AAFC). Meanwhile, young people, new Canadians and second career farmers from all backgrounds are looking for new paths into agriculture. 

FarmLINK.net is a national land listing and linking tool designed to connect those looking for land to rent, lease or buy, on farm employment, business partnerships in agriculture, or farm succession arrangements with landowners and retiring farmers who have farmland or other on farm opportunities.

FarmLINK.net History and Partnerships

FarmLINK.net started as Farmlinkontario.net in 2008, a pilot project of FarmStart in partnership with the Ontario Farmland Trust and the Kawartha Land Trust. In 2013, on a shoestring budget, FarmStart transitioned the site to FarmLINK.net with the intention that it would become a national platform. In 2015, Keeley Nixon, from Linking Land and Farmers (LLAF), a BC non-profit society committed to land access,  joined the team. Since then we have worked to redevelop FarmLINK.net into an effective, easy to use, and dynamic on-line platform, able to connect farm-seekers, farmers and landowners with opportunities and resources nationwide.

We are always looking for partners, sponsors and local organizations to work with to expand our reach and effectiveness. If we can work together to help connect and support the next generation of farmers, we would love to hear from you.


Watch our FarmLINK Stories of Success



Important ideas need execution partners to bring them to life. Hypenotic is a founding Canadian B Corp made up of strategic, creative, and technical problem-solvers based in Toronto, but accelerating the work of change-makers generating positive impact globally. Together, along with feedback from Farmlink users, we’re evolving the platform, it’s features, content, and user experience iteratively.