Message- Opportunity available:
- Mentoring
- Business partnership
- Available facilities and equipment:
- Irrigation capacity
- Fencing
- Preferred arrangement model:
- Partnership
- Available acreage:
- 50 acres or more
- Soil type on farm:
- Loam
- Current farming practices:
- Ecological production, but not certified
- Biodynamic
- Current land use:
- Fallow
- Woodlot
- Not in use
- Preferred farming experience for farmer:
- Desired farming practices by a new farmer:
- Ecological production but not certified
- Biodynamic
- Agricultural products I am interested being cultivated on my property:
- Years experience of new farmer:
Farm description
This is a 130 acre forest-farm is sustainably managed through improvement thinning and adding value to logs through saw-milling, dove-tail log cabin building, forest-grown shitake mushroom production & equity building/ recreational property development. Seasonal work rhythm here includes small scale logging, charcoal production, maple syrup, shiitake mushroom production, vegetable & herb gardening, native prairie seed production, log cabin construction, recreational property development... any of which a creative farm seeker could turn into business.
Farm opportunity
We are interested in someone who shares our passion for ecological restoration, nature conservation, and sustainable resource use. Opportunity here for someone to learn multiple rural arts & woodland skills (and to start their own forest-grown shiitake mushroom production on our land). We are interested in progressive mentorship (beginning with occasional/introductory work leading to potential MOU/partnership, and – if there is synergy and continued interest on part of apprentice/partner – long term opportunity for residency and a good country life.