
If you are a Farm Seeker, our Matchmaker allows you to narrow your search by region, land type and history, as well as by available housing and infrastructure. Create a Farmseeker profile for free to connect with landowners,  access more information & photos for the opportunities and to find your Best Match.

If you are a Farmer or Landowner, our Matchmaker allows you to find and review farm seeker profiles and assess prospective tenants, employees, or partners before you connect, and allows you to communicate with prospective matches without sharing your contact information until you know you want to take the next step. Create a listing for free to create multiple listings, contact prospective matches and access more information about the candidates.

  • Get started! Create a profile for free.
  • See who is out there! Check out the Farm Opportunity Listings, currently searchable by province with additional functionality to follow as the database is populated so you can search by criteria that matters the most such as soil type, production history,  available housing, infrastructure and more. Farm Seeker Profiles will have increased search filters so you can find a farmer by their land and infrastructure needs, desired region, business interests, farming experience and more.

Not sure what you want or if you are ready? Check out our Resources to help you explore your options, ask the right questions and be better prepared.